What To Expect From A Healing Session With James, And How To make It Work For You.
Your first session will start by having a short discussion with James about your life, medical history and the reason behind your visit. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions and for you and James to become acquainted. James may make a few notes that are treated as confidential. Any information is used purely as a reference for James and will not be used or shared with any other party.
With your agreement, James will then put on some light background music which he finds helps block out any external distractions and creates a calming environment.
You may be seated in a chair or lying on a therapy couch: you just need to relax, close your eyes and let the healing session proceed. Don’t feel like you need to sit statue still, please feel free to move, reposition yourself or stretch if needed as it is important that you are comfortable.
Having initially asked your permission, James will lightly and briefly place his hands on your shoulders to allow him to attune to your energies. He will not touch you again until the end, when again his hands will be placed on your shoulders and he will gently inform you that the session has finished. You will then be given time to bring your attention back into the room and become conscious of your grounding.
During the session, you may be aware of James moving around you as he balances your energy centres. You may ask yourself for example, why is James working on my back when I told him that my problem is in my elbow? Very often, a problem in the body can manifest in one area but the root cause may be elsewhere. James will sense any energy imbalances and go to where he feels directed.
The healing can manifest in many different ways. Some patients have described a feeling heat or cold from James’s hands, others have described a sensation of gentle pulling even though James is not touching them. All of this is due to your energies moving and aligning and is perfectly natural. Sometimes, you may feel nothing at all but this is not unusual as healing happens on many different levels.
Some people feel so relaxed that they may drift off during the session – others just feel deeply at ease. You may have daily run-of-the-mill thoughts enter your mind as we all do every hour of every day. But instead of dwelling on these, it is best to just acknowledge them and let them go, allowing your mind to become calm.
After the session, the re balancing of the healing energies may continue to work for some time. In essence the door has been opened for your innate healing abilities to continue to heal yourself. Remember, although sometimes results may be immediate, often the path that led to the condition that that brought you to James may have evolved over a period of time, and therefore it can take some time for wellbeing and health to once again be established.
You can help the process by thinking positively, trusting and believing that you are able to heal, that you are not destined to experience the dis-ease indefinitely and that you are allowed to be well. The feeling and the emotion associated with being in perfect health needs to go hand-in-hand with the thought. Think yourself well.